Zatvorené hry, Strana 8
- Anglická hra
- Benoni/Volžský gambit
- Birdova hra
- Bogoljubova indická obrana
- Budapeštiansky gambit
- Colleho systém
- Dámská indická obrana
- Dámsky gambit
- Grünfeldova indická obrana
- Holandská obrana
- Katalánsky systém
- Kráľovská indická obrana
- Londýnský systém
- Nimcovičova indická obrana
- Rétiho hra
- Torreho útok
- Trompowského útok
This Slav DVD is a complete opening repertoire for black after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6. GM Nick Pert has played the Slav defence for over 10 years and provides all his latest and most...
The Stonewall Attack (d4 followed by e3 and possibly f4) is an old-fashioned opening, almost forgotten, not thought to give White any advantage at all. Yet it still packs a...
When you add the Slav to your repertoire, you get an opening with a solid foundation. However, that doesn’t mean you will get a boring game. On the contrary, this opening often...
Explore the mysteries of the powerful Janowski Variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined with this brand-new video course! Immerse yourself in this fascinating chess opening and...
Opening with the Chigorin shows your intention to play for a win right from the outset. After 2...Nc6 Black’s pieces fly into the game putting pressure on White’s position from...
Are you looking for an active defence against 1.d4? Look no further! The Tarrasch Defence (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5) is one of Black’s most ambitious ways to meet 1.d4. No...
(1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5) is an excellent choice for Black, especially for players at club level. Offering Black the kind of free piece play that is missing from other...
The Torre Attack is an extremely effective way of taking your opponent into an uncomfortable situation right from move one. White plays three simple moves 1 d4 2 Nf3 and 3 Bg5,...
The Semi-Slav defense (1.d4 d5 followed by ...e7-e6 and ...c7-c6) is one of the most popular opening set-ups for Black. Black can follow two entirely different concepts. One...
Thirty years ago the Trompowsky opening was almost totally unknown. It took a few spectacular games by Rafael Vaganian to bring 2.Bg5 into the limelight, and after that, the die...
An Elite Choice - a reliable and ambitious weapon vs. 1.d4! The Vienna Variation is a particular and independent system of the Queen’s Gambit. It arises after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6...
The Veresov ( 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nc3 d5 3 Bg5) is little-played and understood when we compare it to other queen’s pawn openings, like the Trompowsky, Torre Attack and London system. As...
Torre Attack, with 1.d4 followed by 2.Nf3 and 3.Bg5, is a solid and easy to learn opening system with hidden dynamic potential. An understanding of the plans and ideas is more...
Grandmaster and „Blindfold King“ Timur Gareyev is known for his creative attacking chess. On his new DVD he recommends to play the Trompowsky (1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5): „Tap into your...
Discover the hidden potential of the Old Benoni, a system where Black blocks the centre from the start, slowing the game and turning it into a strategic battle. This approach is...
The setup 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Nbd2, inspired by some lines Black uses to counter the white kingside fianchetto, is neither new nor overly impressive at first glance. White...
In the classical system of the King’s Indian White develops naturally and refrains from chasing ghosts looking for a refutation of Black’s set-up. White instead relies on the...
This DVD offers White a complete repertoire against the classical Slav, a popular opening, in which Black can choose from a wide range of plans. In the Slav White often has more...