A World Champion's Guide to the King's Indian (2nd Edition), Rustam Kasimdzhanov - verzia na stiahnutie (anglicky)
A World Champion's Guide to the King's Indian (2nd Edition), Rustam Kasimdzhanov - verzia na stiahnutie (anglicky)

A World Champion's Guide to the King's Indian (2nd Edition), Rustam Kasimdzhanov - verzia na stiahnutie (anglicky)

This disk is a perfect tool for players looking for a complicated battle against 1.d4. The author suggests the King’s Indian Defence and shows with a number of examples how realistic Black’s chances are in this opening to get a complex structure with the most serious attacking potential.  Apart from theoretical information, the disk also contains structural insights and an array of ideas which will enable you to include this opening into your repertoire - immediately and with tangible success! The extended 2nd edition is based principally on games which have been played in the last three years with, as Black, either the author himself or top King’s Indian expert Teimor Radjabov. This has resulted in the creation of a work on the King’s Indian which not only gives deep insights into the variations and plans but also presents the most up-to-date state of affairs in this dynamic and active opening. Video running time: 7 hours.

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turnajový hráč, profesionál



Počítač: Dual Core
Pamäť: 2 GB RAM
Operačný systém: Windows 7 alebo 8.1
Grafická karta: 256 MB RAM
Ostatné: Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 alebo priložený Reader a prístup k internetu pre aktiváciu programu


Procesor: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore)
Pamäť: 4 GB RAM
Operačný systém: Windows 10, DirectX 11
Grafická karta: 512 MB RAM a viac
Ostatné: DirectX10-kompatibilná zvuková karta, Windows Media Player 11 a prístup k internetu pre aktiváciu programu

Účet ChessBase:

Prístup k internetu a moderný webový prehliadač, napr. Chrome, Edge, Safari.

Dodatočné parametre

Hmotnosť: nehmotné
Autor: Kasimdzhanov, Rustam
Jazyk: Angličtina
Úroveň: Turnajový hráč, Profesionál
Rok vydania: 2010
Streaming: Nie
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